Detecting Breast Cancer

Myth & Machine

The standart approach for detecting breast cancer in women is to have regular mammograms (X-ray examinations) as early as possible before they reach 40. Well, evidence reported at a recent international cancer conference now suggest that early screening may not be crucial after all.

Based on a ten-year study in six countries involving some 500,000 women, the findings show that only women over 50 or older benefitted from regular mammograms in that they had a lower chance of death than their contemporaries who didn't go far regular mammograms. So it would seem that costly routine mammography could be avoided until a women reaches 50 years og age. The potential savings would surely be welcome judging from the $902 million which American women have spent on mammograms alone.

Another piece of good news is a computerised scanner capable of picking up abnormalities that may have escaped the visual X-ray examination of the breast. This will be particularly useful in detecting budding abnormal growths in younger women. The super cosmos scanner makes use of digital technology and was actually designed to chart stars in outer space. Now it is used to save thousands of women from dying of breast cancer.

Matching Everything

The modern executive needs to look organised. That's why she carries a briefcase. And to further enhance the orderely, coordinated look, she adopts a one-colour, one-style scheme for her leather accessories like this set from Trussardi. From wallet to organiser to briefcase, they come in this shade of fashionable, earthy tan.

Spray On Toner

Jurlique Rosewater Freshener is a spray-on toner that's available in to fragrances. It's an all-natural product from australia that's made without artificial ingredients or preservatives. Cool it in the fridge and spritz onto the face for an instant pick-me-up. You can even mist it lightly on hair for a subtle aroma of roses. Jurlique produts retail at selected salons.

Don't Miss The Offer!

Do you know that when you buy $200 worth of Estee Lauder treatment products (only at Tang & Metro Paragon), you will be pampered with a whole list of treatments FREE? These include:

  • Free skin analysis
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Body Basics

Learn to read body language and you will benefit at work!

Body language experts have found that only a superb actor or pathological liar can fake what the body says. That means the gestures of people around us every day are telling us what they are really thinking. And once we understand their unspoken messages, we can respond to them appropriately.

Here are some of the gesture clusters you have to deal with most often, plus guidance on how to recruit these people to your point of view.

Defensive: When you see gestures like arms folded high on chest, hand locked into fists or gripping the chair, ankles close together or the person leaning away from you, you 're looking at someone who is uncomfortable with what you're saying. Slow down. Enchourage the other person to comment on what you have said-this may give you clues about what is wrong. Then try new approaches until you see the person's body relax.

Keen: When you see someone standing with hands on hips (or on mid-thighs when seated) or leaning forward on the edge of the chair, you're looking at someone who will be impatient with preliminaries. Move on to a conclusion because their body language is saying "Get on with it."

Thinking it over: Chewing on specs, chin-stroking, ritualistic lighting of a cigarette and so on are all attempts to gain time to think. They will resent any tendency for you to rush them into things. Just wait for a response.

Interested: Someone listening to you with head slightly titled, supported by on hand, body leaning forward, is very interested. Enlist this person as an ally.

Not Interested: A slighty different pose-hand to face, chin in palm with index finger along cheek, other fingers bent below mouth-indicates that the other person is feeling critical. If the body is also drawn back, that person is feeling negative about what is being discused. Deal with it by using any persuasive techniques you can muster. However, if this is a group meeting and you, too, feel lukewarm about what is going on, here is a soulmate who may echo your views.

Anxious: Nose-touching, eye-rubbing or scratching behind the ear while a person speaks often means, "I'm not sure," These people may be putting up a firm front, but they are worried. Deal with it by asking them to explain any doubt.

What about you? Body language is contagious, so relax-unfold your arms, uncross your legs. Soon the people around you will relax, too, and maybe treat your ideas better as well!

Danger In Yuor Fridge

Your refrigerator guards your family's health by keeping food fresh-but it can also be a place where dangerous mould and bacteria hide and breed!

Sientists say millions of people get sick each year from eating bad food and, most of the time, these illneses are causes by improper food storage.

So keep your refrigerator healhy by cleaning it once a month and covering all foods. And follow these helpful tips to make your refrigerator-and the food in it-safe for your family.

Freezer compartement : Make sure freezer temperature is 00C or lower. Keep freezer full to eliminate warm air. Double-wrap packages and don't mix foods. Cool hot foods before freezing.

Dairy products and cakes: Don't keep soft cheese past three days or hard cheese past 14. Cover butter and cheese in wax paper, not plastic. Keep cakes wrapped and yoghurt covered.

On the fridge door: Store jams and fruit juice in fridge after opening. Milk sours after five day, so keep in closed container. Eggs spoil after two weeks. Use broken eggs immediately.

Meat, poultry and fish: Wrap raw and cooked foods separately. Use fresh fish the same day. Raw chicken and meats go bad after two days, sausages after three and bacon after seven.

Fruit, vegetable & salad: Store fruit, vegetables and salad in the drawer at the bottom. Wrap separately and check often for spoilage. Always wash before eating. Prepared salads spoil after two days.

More Solutions To Women Woes

Is there no end to what women have to suffer? If  it's not menstrual pain getting them down, it's pre-menstrual tension stressing them up. So some women are once-a-month wiches, but can they help it? With Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) nowadays, it seems they can.

North Americans Indians first used the roots of the Evening Primrose plant as a herb for healing. It was only in the 1930s hat a chemical analysis was made of its seeds. The oil from these displayed similar characteristics to most vegetables oils, except that it also contains Gamma Linoleic Acid (GLA) which can also be found in human breast milk.

Our bodies actualy produce linoleic acid but which unhealthy eating habits, it takes a long time for linoleic acid to convert to gamma linoleic acid, the useful one. As EPO can stabilise the hormones to keep them relatively balanced, it is useful for women who suffer the effect of pre-menstrual tension-irritability, swollen, tender breasts and depression.

EPO is also good for sufferes of eczema. It can either be consumed or applied externally and has been found to be useful for controlling rheumatic arthritis and multiple sclerosis, as well as for bringing down cholesterol levels. EPO also stimulates the body's immune system.

If you're thinking of getting rid of those beastly mood swings once and for all and want to maintain general good health, EPO may be the answer. There are many different brands available on the market. Once of which comes from Quest, a company based in the UK which also manufacture a wide range of other health supplements. Quest EPO capsules can be found in pharmacies and health food stores. They come as Gamma Oil Premium, Gamma Marine and Gamma EPA.

A Better Time For Cancer Patients

Statistic show that one in every ten women will be stricken with breast cancer. And a cancer like this, complications are common. Suffers could experience bone pain, fractures and high calcium levels in the blood.

Bones are not dead, fossilised tissues. They are very much alive and made of osteoclast (which deplete or destroy bone cells) and osteoblast (which make new bone) tissues. When bone are healthy, these work in perfect unision. Every ten seconds, bone are destroyed and then remade. Trouble starts when cancer in the afflicted tip the scales.

Intensive research  has resulted in the new drug called Bonefos, which aims to curb the production of osteoclast in cancer patients. Althought the drug cannot kill tumours, it decreases the osteolast compounds which tend to concentrate on diseases areas. This allows cancer patients and easier, more comfortable time and possibly, longer periods of remission. With bone pain, fractures and accumulations of calcium in their blood (which can be life-threattening) out of the way, cancer patients can, at least, have a better quality of life.

Bonefos is bellieved to be a potential product for the prevention of osteoporosis, too. It is currently undergoing trials to fully prove this indication. The drug has minimal side effect and is currently only recommended for hospial use.

Suplemen Tak Cegah Kanker

Orang mengkonsumsi berbagai jenis multivitamin dengan harapan dapat menambah ketahanan tubuh, bahkan orang juga percaya bahwa multivitamin tertentu dapat menghindarkan si konsumen dari penyakit tertentu.

Namun, menurut penelitian, ini penting diperhatikan para "pemuja" suplemen; Multivitamin ternyata tidak sesakti seperti dalam iklan. Ia tidak dapat menahan kelainan sistem tubuh yang bisa memicu kanker atau penyakit jantung.

Women Health Initiative di AS melakukan eksperimen yang melibatkan 161.898 orang wanita. Periset dari 40 cabang lembaga itu, mengumpulkan pengguna multivitamin. Mereka melakukan sampel antara wanita yang mengkonsumsi multivitamin dengan yang mengkonsumsi sayur dan buah-buahan.

Selama delapan tahun memantau sel-sel tubuh responden, hasilnya sekitar 42% pengkonsumsi multivitamin memiliki gejala yang sama dengan orang-orang yang potensial menderita beberapa jenis kanker, seperti usus dan payudara, serta penyakit jantung. Sedangkan pemakan sayuran dan buah-buahan tidak.

Hasil riset yang ditulis dalam Archives of Internal Medicine menyatakan bahwa multivitamin tak terbukti memberikan keunggulan ketahanan tubuh terhadap 10 kategori penyakit yang diteliti, termasuk kanker usus, serangan jantung, stroke dan penyumbatan darah. Penelitian ini menganulir riset para peneliti sebelumnya, yang menyatakan sebaliknya.

"Tak ada manfaatnya, tetapi juga tidak ada kerusakan pada yang mengkonsumsi multivitamin, "kaa Marian Neuhouser, peneliti dari Fred Cancer Reasearch. Konsumsi multivitamin di Negeri AS menghabiskan sekitar U$ 20 miliar atau lebih dari Rp. 255 Triliun per tahun.

Hal ini menegaskan bahwa Herbal atau Nutrisi dari buah dan sayuran terbukti lebih baik dan unggul, karena selain bisa untuk daya tahan tubuh, juga bisa menyembuhkan penyakit.

Orang Tua Makan Sehat, Anak Sehat

Ada korelasi antara sehat tidaknya seorang anak dan kepedulian orang tuanya terhadap makanan si anak. Riset dari Center Nutrisional University yang melibatkan 200 anak antara lima dan enam tahun membuktikan hal ini. Mereka bisa menyebutkan makanan sehat yang mereka makan karena dipilihkan orang tuanya.

Dari sampel itu, ditemukan 30 macam makanan yang dikenali samg anak dan orang tuanya yang diuji secara terpisah. "Hasilnya, para orang tua dan anak yang mengetahui jenis makanan sehat berkorelasi, " kata peneliti lembaga tersebut, Darota Zarnowieki.

Hal ini, kata dia, membuktikan perilaku sehat orang tua memberikan dampak signifikan pada pengenalan anak terhadap makanan sehat. "KAlau orang tuanya menghargai kesehaan, anaknya juga."

Penelitian ini juga menguatkan penelitian lain tentang sel manusia yang merekam sel orang tuanya. Riset yang dipimpin Profesor Assam El-Osta dari Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute menyatakan perubahan kimia pada kontrol sel genetik terhadap kadar glukosa makanan yang dikonsumsi seseorang. PErubahan ini meninggalkan bekas DNA di gennya yang diwariskan kepada anaknya.

Penelitian ini menguatkan pula sinyalemen obesitas yang terjadi pada seorang anak yang dipengaruhi jenis makanan yang dikonsumsi orang tuanya.

Penolak Sakit Tenggorokan

Saat musim pancaroba, sakit tenggorokan sangat mudah menyerang siapa saja. Bila terserang, kita akan sulit menelan, tenggorokan merah, atau terdapat bercak putih di bagian tenggorokan, dan masih ditambah pusing serta suhu tubuh meningkat. Penyebab utama sakit tenggorokan adalah bakteri, seperti streptococus, atau virus.

Nah, bila sakit tenggorokan menyerang, Anda bisa melakukan beberapa cara penangkalan seperti di bawah ini :

1. Perbanyak minum air putih
2. Makanlah permen pelega tenggorokan untuk memperbanyak produksi air liur.
3. Berkumur dengan air garam hangat beberapa kali sehari.
4. Minum obat pereda rasa sakit.
5. Minum air hangat plus teh dengan lemon dicampur madu atau teh dengan jahe.
6. Bila perlu bisa mengkonsumsi antibiotik, tetapi harus diperhatikan karena ada efek samping. Antibiotik hanya cocok untuk sakit tenggorokan yang disebabkan oleh streptococus.
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